Monday, January 30, 2012

January 24-30

I keep meaning to do this regulary, honest. Oh well, best intentions and all...let me explain, no, there is too much, let me sum up. A long week, but a good week that was full of celebrating with friends, hanging out with family, discovering new food (mmmm....fooood), watching some of my kiddos at our school talent show (even a couple friends), and to round it off, I even squeezed in some painting.

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23

Monday: I was able to put off my staff meeting until tomorrow. It's a small thing, but it's a thing.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 22

Church today was so refreshing (as it tends to be), and as if that weren't enough of a positive, I was blessed enough to sit with then chat with my awesome brother and sister-in-law.

January 21

So...I was a lump today; it was great.

January 20

Friday!!!! So, not just Friday, but I got to celebrate with my dear friends - Micah and Cam- for Cam's birthday at Outback and a delicious homemade peanut butter and chocolate cake. Nothing helps good food digest like lots and lots of laughter.

January 19

Well, 12 hours on my positive? I am blessed with work.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 18

Just started attending Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa on Wednesdays. Last week I met a lovely woman and today there she was again. She recommended a book last week that I picked up and am looking forward to diving in (Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray). The positive today (more than just the new book purchase) was the lovely conversation I had with her after service. She exuded love; I want to reach out more like this open woman.

January 17

Most people would not find lecturing on both English and American Romanticism all day a positive point in their day. I am not most people, as it turns out.

January 16

MLK day: no work....pretty happy about that. (I also brought home 4 new books)

January 15

Sunday: Despite not feeling great, still had a wonderful time taking in the Bible study at Church. Really cannot get enough reminding where my true identity is found.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

January 14

Today I was blessed to help celebrate my dear friends' very near venture into parenthood. I wonderful co-ed shower to show how excited we all are to meet Little Donovan! Just a few more weeks.

I can say with complete confidence that this kid will grow up to be amazing. Julie and Kevin's house is filled with the love they have for one another and their mutual love for life. Their house is truly a home, and a home that is ready to greet their little one.

January 13

The project that I wrote about previously came to it's finale today with presentations. I could not have asked for a better day. Some of the goals were fun, some showed deep thought, and some exposed a bit of the student. I was truly touched that some of my students allowed themselves to be vulnerable in front of the their classmates. I am very proud of them.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12

My mom is amazing. I just love when I can spend time with her (which I did today, in case you were wondering).

Bonus? Apparently there was a little present left over from Christmas - it had gotten caught in the tree. Not only is it a really pretty bracelet (even better because my mama picked it out in love for me), it is a beautiful promise. Inscribed around the bracelet: "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalms 37:4. 

I am grateful for all of this.

January 11th

Even though I rewarded myself with a hipster-cute journal from the paper source for grading an entire class of essays (and still being pretty positive on life), this is not my high for the day.

Instead, it is the decision to go to church, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa specifically. Because of Holiday stuff and vacation stuff, I haven't been to church in a few weeks. I knew I needed it, but didn't realize how much I needed it. I picked up a new Bible at the bookstore there,  wrote sermon notes and revelations down in my typewriter decorated notebook, and was thoroughly refreshed from the inside out.

A night ordained by God? Yeah, that's a good night.

January 10th

On Tuesday, I began a lesson (the same one for all my classes - a first) that I am still so excited about. I first had my kiddos read about the importance of writing down your goals, then (and I'm sure you see where I am going with this) I told them to write down six goals and a plan on how to achieve said goals.

One of the things I love about this, is I did not want them to limit their goals to the realm of the practical, you know, things that solely revolve around academia or career.

I tried to encourage them to think of things, experiences, characteristics that they feel would simply better their lives. Yes, the pragmatic plays a role; however, the so-called frivolous things of this world are just as important if you truly want to live this life, not simply survive it.

Because this was the first time around for this particular exercise, I made an example for them to see. (Also, I really wanted to do this too).

I really do love when I get down right giddy about my job; I cannot put into words what it is like when I see my students latch onto something, embrace it, and truly make it their own. Hee Hee.

January 9th

Okay, well, it's actually Thursday and I am woefully behind; however, I take comfort that no one is actually checking in and this is for my own edification :) But...

Monday was my first day back from a restful 3-week break and I made it through.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 7-8

Two days filled with friends! Thank you Britty for the hours long walking in beautiful places (interrupted only be an awesome In-N-Out pit stop); thank you Kristen for making time in your busy schedule - it was so good to see my dear, dear friend (next time let us not wait so long between visits); thank you Lauren for a Sunday of Charles Dickens fun and, as always, nourishing-to-the-soul company.

I am so very blessed - my cup runneth over (which is good because I head back to the grindstone tomorrow).

Friday, January 6, 2012

January 6

In an otherwise uneventful day, I had a lovely conversation with a stranger sparked by a book I was reading (The Lonely Polygamist). He even threw in some shameless flattery (yes, it's a cheap positive for the day, but I am totally okay with it).

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 5

Today was completely filled with Mom memories: good lunch, great conversation, bought cute necklaces (thanks to Dainty Hooligan), stroll down memory lane via a mountain of photo albums, and rounded it off with a nice dinner.  A very good day.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 4

Today I had a wonderful day with the bestie at Disneyland which included Christmased-out It's a Small World, corn dogs, laughs (lots of those), and Tower of Terror...Can I get a woot?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2011...So far

Sunday: I had the best New Year's celebration with friends: so much laughter, so much fun. I drove home in London-style fog and was perfectly safe, slept wonderfully, and even exercised.

Monday: Read a book that one of my super sweet students lent me and even had an unexpected dinner with Dad and Brenda. (Oh yes, I also bought new books).

Today (Tuesday): I restarted this blog. So, even if it is only a sentence or two a day, I will be writing for me and that is a good thing.

Preventative Pathology

After taking a full year off from being "Pathologically Optimistic," I have decided that I am once again at a point that I need this.

It's funny how life changes, sometimes noticeable to the outside world, sometimes only in the recesses of one's own mind, but either way, changes are a guarantee...a necessity really. I am fortunate enough to not be in the place I was when I first began this venture. I am thankful for my life, and though there have been some disappointments in the last year, I am not on that slippery slope of negativity that I found myself on before.

However, there are those days that require a good hard look at what makes life amazing. I am truly blessed and I don't want to wait until I am precariously perched on that slope. So, this new endeavor will be more preventative than it previously was.

Besides, it never hurts to look at the sunny side of life :)