Thursday, December 16, 2010

December 16

Today I made cookies.  They did not turn out as I had envisioned, but the blobs that were to be cute Christmas-y shapes at least made me laugh :) 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 15

Today, I picked out my little Christmas tree and put all the trimmings on.  I may have been a little heavy on the lights, but I'm okay with that...I'm in an abundance of lights kind of mood :)

Charlie Brown, eat your heart out ;)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December 14

Okay, today I am double dipping a bit:

I am sitting alone in a Corner Bakery booth, ear buds firmly in place, Mason Jennings drowning out the many conversations taking place around me.  In my hand, alternates a red pen and a fork, taking bites of pasta in between essay comments and grading.

I have a lovely seat by the window that frames the courtyard containing seasonally decorated trees.  It’s quite picturesque really – there is just enough of a breeze that the rustling leaves create a subtle, almost star-like twinkling effect with the white lights.

In contrast to my rather gloomy Saturday, tonight I do not feel lonely or lacking.  There is no melancholy, no invisible weight, no real longing aside from the wish that these essays will magically grade themselves.  No, tonight, after a long day of kids, meetings, grades, lectures, and tests, I am at peace.  Tonight, sitting here in my corner of the world, I am content.

Monday, December 13, 2010

December 13

Great way to start a Monday: I walked into my classroom to find a goodie santa bucket and a card from one of my Assistant Principals: unexpected.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 12

The girl is not my original idea but hopefully getting some technique down.
Today I was productive.  This isn't always that remarkable; however, the only thing I really accomplished yesterday was converting oxygen into carbon dioxide.  Today, I went to church, got some Christmas shopping done, took a nap, painted a picture, and practiced some sketching. 
I adore this frame; I finally put it to use.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

December 10

Grading "party" with the bestie turned into let's-go-see-Harry-Potter-instead "party"...we are wise women.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

December 9

Today's positive moment is a toss up actually: I was able to see one of my former professors - one whom I admire so much- and listen to Greek Mythology for over an hour.  That may not sound good to many of you, but I adored it.  Bonus (way bonus): I was there with three of my favorite people :)

Also, a friend surprised me with a completely unexpected "thank you for hosting Bible study every week" gift with a cute and thoughtful card.  Thank you Jill, I feel very blessed.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 8

After a trying day (that's not being negative, just honest), I had unexpected Mom time - woo hoo. As if her company wasn't enough, she bought me dinner and a peppermint hot chocolate for dessert.  My mom is all kinds of awesome.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7

Tonight RockHarbor celebrated their leaders.  Because of this generous thank you, I was treated to a lovely meal, good time with friends, and oh yeah, I got help build a gingerbread house before singing Christmas carols by candlelight.  A very good night.

Monday, December 6, 2010

December 4-6

Saturday: I got to snuggle up next to my mom after eating a home made roast dinner.

Sunday: Celebrated my friend LeAnn and her little Noah (only 7 weeks until he meets the world).

Monday: I won!  I fought the urge to sit on my couch all night by going to the gym. I was even in my pj's already and somehow managed to change into my workout clothes and get my butt moving.  I'm a little too self-congratulatory, but if I can keep it going...

Friday, December 3, 2010

December 3

My Senior classes finished up Hamlet and to review, I read them a condensed version complete with pictures, it was very "story time" - think Kindergarten.  The kids made jokes about it, so in turn, I told them they could sit on the floor in the front of the room as I read.  About 6 of them did.  One, who is just a neat kid anyway, brought his backpack with him to rest his head. 

I had  Shakespeare story time with my seniors today.  It was a good day.

Oh yeah, and it's Friday.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1

Some of my kids, without prompting, told me that they actually really liked Hamlet.  Imagine that.